- 1902 -
Birth of LaRue Quayle
to John Freeman Quayle and
Margaret Ellen Hunter
Montpelier Idaho
- 1920 -
High School Graduation
Montpelier Idaho
- 1921 -
Homesteading with
father at Mud Lake
- 1922 -
Death of Mother
Margaret Ellen Hunter
- 1926 -
Graduation from
nurses training
LDS Hospital SLC
- 1926 -
Move to Cedar City
- 1928 -
Marriage to Joseph
Sinclair Macfarlane
- 1933 -
Birth of Child
Richard Quayle Macfarlane
- 1934 -
Birth of Child
Margielee Macfarlane
- 1938 -
Built House
265S 200W Cedar City
- 1951 -
Death of Father
John Freeman Quayle
- 1967 -
Retirement from Nursing
- 1980 -
Death of Spouse
Joseph Sinclair Macfarlane
- 1992 -
Death of LaRue Quayle Macfarlane
LaRue Quayle
1902 - 1992
- a little lady with
broad shoulders -
Mud Lake
Salt Lake City
Cedar City